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Free Boxes

Let us help you Save $100’s of dollars with Free Boxes! “Packing is key! It can save you 100s of dollars if you do it

Have Questions?

Moving is stressing so feel free to ask as much as you need! Let us help you get the stress-free removalist service

We do offer packing services, feel free to ask us for a quote. 

We will happily sort all the packing materials too. 

We sure can provide all the packing materials you may need. 

Feel free to ask us about our premade packages for 1 bedroom apartment, 2 bedrooms apartment, 3 bedroom apartment. 

Just like you would insure your belongings when sitting in your house, and not in a move, we strongly suggest you to get special insurance. 

We are professionals and do our best in moving your objects, but many pieces of furnitures were not built considering they might ever move. So accidents can happen in the nature of our jobs.

Our removals are highly trained and experienced. They will try and move you as quick and safe as possible. 

Anyways, there are ways for you to have a better and quicker move. Here are some recommendations:

  1. Make sure your packing is good. Packing is the key to success in a move! With everything boxed and stacked inside neatly things will flow a lot easier. Dont over/under pack boxes, and dont fill them up with boxes or heavy objects.
  2. Clear every pathway possible. If the hallways are packed with stuff it will make it harder for us to walk through them.
  3. Dissassemble your furniture. What ever you have that can be disassembled, go for it and disassemble it before your house moving experts arrive.
  4. Unplug your whitegoods and technology. This will make it quicker for us to just grab them, secure, and take. 

We strongly recommend that any furniture that has been already assembled, shouldn’t be disassembled as most probably it will never hold itself the same. 

Nevertheless we can still do it for you, and have all the tools for the job too. 

Feel free to call us anytime at our contact numbers, or send us an email and we will get shortly to you with our availabilities. 

We are easy to acommodate and can help you along your entire moving experience.